13 February 2008

Elizabeth Wilson: "Fashion Photography"

Lecture notes from September 13, 2007

Fashion and photography share some characteristics. Unfortunately neither of them is considered as serious art nowadays. Luckily, somewhat still are parts of artistic stuff.

The art in photography lies in displaying, playing with a picture not with the technique. Photography and fashion are like languages. Fashion styles are globalized through photography, through the mass image. "They are part of globalization." (EW)

Fashion can never express the truth of the world, but represents strongly the consumer capitalist ideas. Whereas fashion can lie and photography not - how can a camera lie? Controversially, even the camera can lie, because every photo is take by an individual which makes the shot as a construction of reality. Which in turn is someway a reality.

See also Susan Sonntag, Umberto Eco, Roland Barthes...

Mass-media emphasizes the glamorous side of fashion, glamour and celebrities are becoming more and more represented in press. Glamour in the same time is a sort of fantasy to pull other people off their stage. This is the standpoint to Wilson that she is more into everyday fashion than the glamorous mediatized fashion. She says that clothes we put on every day and even when we refuse to deal with any fashion issue we still must admit that we wear clothes produced by fashion.

Fashion is about now-when process when we dress. We think about now, the present, what we like and what to express in this very moment. Whereas fashion photography is totally different thing. Nowadays we don't even get the clear image on some fashion photos - it just expresses the mood, the shape or context, not one or several particular item(s).

The bridge between fashion photography and personal photography is syrrealist photography. Fashion photography is totally utopian - any other kind of photography has some reality touch. Alice through the looking glass - photography can never become looking glass. We can not go into the picture.

Fashion cycle has been and still is critizised - why does a fashion cycle have to exist? Sigmund Freud's short essay from the I WW time says that depression of winter can be replaced by trends and rebellion/ denial/ immortality.

For discussion
Fashion-reality; fashion-shows and reality; construction of reality of fashion on media landscape

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